To me yoga is like the water for a plant and if it does not get watered it dies. Or if you have a mirror and it is not cleaned periodically it gets dusty. Pretty soon it gets dull and not reflective, therefore one cannot see an image in it.
The mind is like a mirror and it can become dull as well. When one practices yoga , one keeps the mind clear of cobwebs and body fresh. I like to compare the body to a car. If you don't clean the air filter the car will literally stop and won't run. The same with the lungs. If we don't breathe full and deeply, we have low energy levels and become tired and lazy. Of course we know that if there is no oxygen within a few minutes the body dies.
According to Pantanjali there are eight limbs of yoga. Pantanjali's Yoga Sutras II - 29 "Yama Niyamaasana Pranayama Pratiyahara Dharana Dhyana Samadhayo 'Stavangani" translated as the eight limbs of yoga: 1. Yama (abstinence);2. Niyama (observance); 3. Asana (postures); 4. Pranayama (breath control); 5. pratyahara (sense withdrawal); 6. dharana (concentration); 7. dhyana (meditation); 8. samadhi (contemplation, absorption or super-conscious state).
As we become aware and study the many branches of yoga, we can use them accordingly. Like when one practices hatha yoga (asanas) everyday, one is tuning up the body, keeping the blood flowing and the joints lubricated. Or when one practices dhyana (meditation) regularly we can keep the mind clean. When yoga is practiced there is always inspiration and rejuvenation in more ways than one!
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