Thursday, November 27, 2008


We are all ultimately looking for that joy we have inside of ourselves. There are different things that we do that connect us to that joy. We might realize that is what we are doing especially when we start to ask the question 'Why am I here and what is the purpose of life?' Swadhyaya can lead us to that joy inside. Swadhyaya is a Sanskrit word and is translated as study, reciting aloud, or repeating or rehearsing to one self. It literally means study of the Self.

On the yogic path, which "I" define as a way of life, many tools are needed and we carry all of them. Swadhyaya is a tool in which language and sound becomes an important link to help release that joy we have inherently. It is from my experience of studying spiritual texts that I was introduced to accessing some of my inner joy. I remember one of the evening chants that I attended at the ashram. See the post on Yama and Discipline. I remember looking at a very long string of Sanskrit words for the Shiva Mahimnam Stotram. I was amazed that words could be so long and how was I going to pronounce them? As I attended more recitations of the chant, it began to give me an experience of joy. I could not explain the feeling. Just simply saying a more than mouthful of Sanskrit phrases could bring so much joy. It's like a revelation of "The kingdom of heaven is within".

Just looking at the words on the page could not reveal the depth of beginning to know my "Self" through this venue would reveal. Swadhyaya is a great tool of yoga to discover. There is so much more to say on this topic, however, I will pause here.

Until next time, stay tuned.

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