"Staying connected "could mean anything these days from:
- being on your cell phone
- plugging in your appliance
- sending a text message
- to hugging and kissing
- going to events together like meetings
- tunning in to your favorite show
I believe you get my gist here. The word connected means joined or linked together; plugged in. Staying connected to thoughts; relationships; situations in your life; your bliss in these times that we live is easier said than done. There are so many distractions. Again this is where your tools come into play.
The other day, someone said something to me out of character. The person did not know me and was upset about something I said to her when she interrupted a yoga class I was teaching. I was totally surprised and attempted to explain the etiquette of the class. The person got very heated and I saw it was of no use to go any further with an explanantion. I also witnessed my heart had started to beat faster. I walked away telling myself that this incident was not going to upset my day. I proceeded to take deep breaths and go to my next yoga class.
For me practicing yoga on a regular basis helps me to stay connected; more centered. I notice that as I get involved with the alignment of the asanas, the physical postures, my mind becomes more focused on how the different parts of my body are moving. I become more aware of how my breathing affects the posture. Then I become aware of how 'I' feel when everything is aligned. I can feel the flow of energy in the body and the position begins to become effortless. There is even a type of euphoria during and after the practice. The mind becomes still. There becomes more of an awareness of a free flow of energy and an expansive feeling in my body. I become joined to that higher power or consciousness within. As stated in book one of the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali 'YOGAS CITTA VRTTI NIRODHAH - Yoga is the restraint of fluctuations of the mind'. That state consciousness stays with me as I continue in my day and gives me peace as well as enthusiasm about life. If I was feeling down or out of sorts before the practice, it dissipates naturally. So the incident earlier in the day did not have any power of 'ruining my day'. I also looked at that person as showing me where my center was. It was a reminder to be more vigilant in the moment.
So for me to stay connected I have to continually practice and use my tools; become a conduit so to speak, as I to strive to always be om.
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