Many people are stressed out due to the many distractions on a daily basis. This is why we do not experience constantly being present or at peace with ourselves. It becomes too much when there is no mindfulness. So this is where a tool comes into play here. In order to survive the many distractions we need dharana. Dharana is a sanskrit word, which basically means concentration or focus in one direction. Dharana is the sixth limb of yoga as defined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali I will delve into this work periodically in future posts.
So getting back to the tools we have, concentration on specific tasks and or object can help us with the many distractions in our modern life. And the best way to deal with distractions is to begin to practice meditation or dhyana. Dhyana is an essential part of practicing asanas (yogic postures). Dhyana is essential to every day life.
To be continued...
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