The statement 'Staying Positive' is easier said than done. Being aware of the news forecasts everyday telling us that people are losing their jobs and houses, rents are going up, the stock market is going up and down, morality declining. If one studies yogic terms in relation to the times we are living in, it is referred to as Kali Yuga. The energy of all these events affects us.
So this is where I talk about the use and the study of yoga. In book 2 of the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali, line 33 it is stated'Vitarka Badhane Pratipaksha Bhavanam'. The translation is When disturbed by negative thoughts, opposite(positive) ones should be thought of. In the commentary section by Swami Satchidananda on this text, he states that "Pantanjali gives us a very nice clue on how to control the mind and obstruct thoughts we don't want. The best way , he says, is to invite opposite thoughts." Satchidananda goes on to illustrate situations ie. in a marriage; reading something inspiring, meeting a special person, or simply leaving the environment!
He also talks about thinking about the "after-effect" if one continues to let the negative thought or action continue, such as how the anger or negativity will affect you as well as others. I remember being impressed learning this sutra.
This made me think of when my children were smaller and one day we were walking in the street. I had one child in the stroller and the other walking with me. As we continued down the block, we were approaching a couple in a very loud argument with on-lookers present. I remember feeling very agitated as we got nearer and it was not convenient to cross the street. I then started to silently repeat my mantra (chanting, prayer) as I passed these people. It was after I had gotten further down the street that I realized how that focus, that shift of thought had somehow shielded me from the negativity I had just navigated through to pass them. It was amazing! I never forgot that experience. So of course the practice of pratipaksha bhavana - replacing negative thoughts with positive ones has become one of my tools that I carry.
So just take a deep breath which will help you to start observing quickly which way you can change your situation and stay positive.
Good stuff! Stay positive. :-)
Thanks for comment and encouragement C.Om
"Staying Positive" is a daily, moment to moment process with awareness.
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