Yoga Sutra - IV- 13 - TE VYAKTA SUKSMAH GUNATMANAH - Whether manifested or subtle, these characteristics belong to the nature of the gunas.
Yoga Sutra - IV- 14 - PARINAMAIKATVAD VASTU TATTVAM - The reality of things is due to the uniformity of the gunas' transformations.
Swami Satchidananda translated these sutras without commentary.
"How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood says the following for YS IV - 14:
The Gita teaches :"That which is non-existent can never come into being, and that which is can never cease to be." The forms and expressions of an object may change, but all these changes of form and expression have existed, and will continue to exist, potentially , within the object. The past and future exist within the object in an unmanifested, subtle form. Nevertheless, they are there. Nothing in the universe is lost.
We are told that the gunas (three qualities of inert, active and purity) which never cease to in one or another combination in objects. Hence we see that the same mind exists, essentially throughout the many rebirths of the individual. It is only the play or the gunas that makes the mind alter its form and expression in different incarnations; now seeming predominantly evil, now predominantly good. In the mind of the good man, the past evil impressions still exist in subtle form; and the future impressions, whatever they are to be, exist also.
So then it is asked how is liberation possible? It is pointed out that Patanjali has answered this question several times in the sutras and restated the answer in aphorism 11 of book IV. Since our subconscious tendencies has its basis in the mind, once man no longer identifies with the mind he can obtain liberation. When he knows beyond a doubt that he is the Atman, and not the mind, he is made free from his karma.
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