Swami Satchidananda suggests for this sutra that we think about what species we may become in our next birth. He says we might not get a human body as to what thoughts we had previously. If we had animalistic thoughts, the karmas may call for an animal's body. So if we had cunning thoughts, perhaps a fox's body, or eating excessively (thoughts of food) then a pig's body. Swami Satchidananda states that this does not contradict the theory of evolution as the individual soul always continues to evolve. We are reminded that the body is not the experiencer, as life is experienced by the mind through the body.
Whatever we concentrate on is where the mind is focused. So if we are reading a book, hearing outside sounds will not be noticed not because we are deaf, but because the mind is not connected to our ears at that time. "Even in an animal's body, the mind experiences and undergoes things." At this juncture we are told that each body is a different vehicle, that a dog on the road may have been a saint that made a mistake and got that body. "Within each form lies a soul on its evolutionary path toward realization."
The commentary ends stating that this sutra tells us that the span of each life of experiences (pleasure and pain) are determined by karma, which is the fruit of the obstacles (klesas) mentioned in the previous sutras for book II.
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