The commentary by Swami Satchidananda for this sutra is very short. If we have done or performed some action that is meritorious, we will experience pleasure and happiness. If we have performed demeritorious actions, we will experience suffering and pain. "A happy or unhappy life is your own creation. Nobody else is responsible." If we can remember this sutra and or the meaning of it, we won't be able to blame or find fault with others. "You are your own best friend as well as your worst enemy."
There really is not much more to be said of this. We can all look at our lives and see the answers for ourselves, especially if one is awake and alert. Needless to say, if we look at everyday life whether the news, our families, our daily situations in our lives we can see this for ourselves. And if we can't , read the previous posts on karmas and obstacles (klesas):
Not always so easy to be the Big Person we know we are - the one who chooses pleasure and not pain.
"... at times it will be a struggle that you will fight at the very core of your being. However, this fight is the best, most proactive way to protect yourselves, to maintain your supernal protection and to awaken only the goodness within." - Rav Berg
True its not easy, however as you are more aware, at least you can notice it quicker.
Good to hear from you SS.
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