Swami Satchidananda states that Patanjali explains egoism in this sutra. "The ego is the reflection of the true Self on the mind. The two appear to be the same, but one is the original, the other a reflected duplicate." Swami Satchidananda says that the ego will always falsely represent the Self until our ignorance is removed. He refers to the ego as the little "i", and the true Self as the big "I". What limits us is the little "i".
All the practices of Yoga are just to remove the little"i". All the difficulties and turmoils in our lives can be removed by eliminating the "i". However, it is the preparation it that takes time to remove it. Sometimes even though we can progress in eliminating the little "i", we might slip back again and have to start again so that we can experience or be the big "I".
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