What this type of samadhi is (without deliberation) is unmixed with the sound or name, the object or meaning and knowledge. Here in nirvitarka samadhi there is only knowledge (jnana) of the object meditated on. This is when the memory is purified or devoid or qualities, according to Swami Satchidananda. So this is to know nothing but the object itself as it truly is without our reactions and or preconceived thoughts.
This state is awareness without the interjection of the mind. The mind likes to label and categorize everything so it knows where we stand amongst the situation. It does this because it is a defense mechanism.
To separate your consciousness from the tasks of the mind is to allow yourself to see without the limits of a label or judgment. From this perspective, we may see that we are observing another form of consciousness that is ultimately part of us.
Greetings C.Om
Thank you for your comments on this subject which is right to the point without the Sanskrit terminology.
This is a great state of awareness without all the mind chatter or vrittis. I'm sure a lot of us would experience life more fully in this state of awareness.
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