Swami Satchidananda says if you develop one idea or use one particular method through constant meditation, "all other thoughts and desires will gradually die away." It's like once you pay attention to something constantly, your awareness of all else withers away. Our habits that we don't want will wither and die if we don't give them the opportunity to manifest. So we don't have to fight the habit, just cultivate a proper one. So in regard to the crystal taking on the color of what is near it, if you place purple color near a crystal (like a clear quartz crystal) it will take will appear purple. In the same way once the mind accepts the your idea of meditation, it takes that form. The end result of meditation is samadhi which is a higher level of concentrated meditation. The Wikipedia defines samadhi "as a non-dualistic state of consciousness in which the consciousness of the experiencing subject becomes one with the experienced object,[2] and in which the mind becomes still (one-pointed or concentrated)[3] though the person remains conscious. "
Another way to say this sutra is "Just as the pure crystal takes color from the object that is nearest to it, so the mind, when it is cleared of thought-waves, achieves sameness or identity with the object of its concentration. This may be either a gross object, or the organ of perception, or the sense of ego. This achievement of sameness of identity with the object of concentration is known as samadhi." - transliteration by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood of "How To Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali". You can click here to hear a little from Swami Prabhavananda addressing the Yoga Sutras.
Regardless of which transliteration you like, the bottom line is do the process. For this New Year 2009, this is a perfect way to start it off and continue. I wish you a Happy New Year and I warmly invite you to join me in Salutations New Year 2009! Come and tune up your body so you can help the process of meditation. You can also go to http://www.bometernally.com/
"It's like once you pay attention to something constantly, your awareness of all else withers away. Our habits that we don't want will wither and die if we don't give them the opportunity to manifest."
When I read this, I relate it to healing, per my studies and subsequent experience with Science of Mind. We all understand the connection between body and mind... SOM teaches that our thoughts fuel our physical condition - hence our illness. If we withdraw our awareness (and ill feelings) from the 'condition' the condition will 'wither and die' - it is our thoughts that feed the disease. NOTE: This is not for the uninitiated to practice! Always seek professional medical assistance while learning to advance your consciousness healing skills.
Blessings upon you, OM
Thank you for your insight SS. Everything is related. What you say of your studies with the Science of Mind, is what Patanjali is showing us in his sutras. We are basically saying the same things.
Many blessings to you in this New Year. May you stretch your body as you stretch your mind. Namaste
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