Swami Satchidananda comments that in this sutra that Patanjali analyzes Prakriti , nature, a little more. As seen in the above sutra, there are stages of the gunas (qualities of nature). Swami Satchidananda starts with the reverse order of the stages of nature , Patanjali presented, first with the the unmanifested, or avyakta, where nature is in a static or undefinable condition. The second is a slightly manifested stage (defined), whereas the third is a more developed stage forming the subtle senses, buddhi and mind. "And the fourth stage of nature is the gross objects of which we can hear, feel, see, touch, smell and taste." It is further explained that it is normal that we can understand things that can be seen and if we develop subtler perception we can see subtler things.
In "How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood has the translation of this sutra as THE GUNAS PASS THROUGH FOUR STAGES- GROSS, SUBTLE, PRIMAL AND UNEVOLVED.
The comment here is that Patanjali is summarizing what was explained in Yoga Sutra I-17. When the universe exists in its potential form (unevolved) "the gunas are in perfect equilibrium". As the universe starts to manifest or evolve, the guna balance is disturbed and the cosmic ego-sense begins to dawn. The next stage is when the gunas are in combinations that form the mind and the inner essences of things (subtle and undefined). Finally, when the universe has become the external physical manifestation, the gunas are now described as gross or "defined".
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