For this sutra Swami Satchidananda tells us that "If we want to become the world's richest people, this is a very simple way." He is referring to asteya, non-stealing, as a practice. We are told in his commentary that "All of us are thieves. Knowingly and unknowingly, we steal things from nature." The reference to our theft is our breath. "Instead, we should receive each breath with reverence and use it to serve others; then we are not stealing. If we accept it and don't give anything in return, we are thieves." Swami Satchidananda gives us examples of wanting something for nothing. Like going to work and not doing anything, doing personal things at work and then getting paid for it.
He further says "If we are completely free from stealing and greed, contented with what we have, and if we keep serene minds, all wealth comes to us." If we do not run after it, before long it runs after us. If nature know we aren't greedy, she gains confidence in us, knowing we will never hold her for ourselves." Swami Satchidananda tells us that usually when we get something, our tendency is to lock it up like our " money, property or even people." He says that if we adopt an attitude of being open "If you want to come, come, when you want to go, go," and everything will say "Why do you want to push me away? Let me stay with you. Don't send me away."
Finally he tells us after many illustrations that "The richest person is the one with a cool mind, free of tension and anxiety." "A carefree life is possible only with a well controlled-mind, one that is free of anxiety, one without personal desire or possessions."
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