Swami Satchidananda states that from this point on, Patanjali gives different ideas about Yoga practice as it is divided into eight stages or limbs. This is why the sutras are referred to as Ashtanga Yoga or eight limbs. Patanjali is now covering the information already given, but in a more practical way as to remove the impurities of the mind.
Yoga Sutra II- 29 - YAMA NIYAMASANA PRANAYAMA PRATYAHARA DHARANA DHYANA SAMADHAYO STAV ANGANI - Yama = abstinence; niyama = observance; asana - posture; pranayama = breath control; pratyahara = withdrawal of the senses; dharana = meditation; samadhayh = contemplation, absorption or superconscious state; ashta = eight' angani = limbs or part
The eight limbs of Yoga are:
1. yama (abstinence)
2. niyama (observance)
3. asana (posture)
4. pranayama (breath control)
5. pratyahara ( sense withdrawal)
6. dharana ( concentration)
7. dhyana ( meditation)
8. samadhi (contemplation, absorption or superconscious state)
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