Yama is the first limb of Ashtanga Yoga. (Ashtanga Yoga means to purify the mind through eight (Asht) steps). Swami Satchidananda informs us that "We should remember here that each of the eight limbs is equal to the others and necessary."
The categories of Yama are:
- "Ahimsa is not causing pain" Here, Swami Satchidananda explains that other authors misconstrue ahimsa as "non-killing" and that "Killing is different from causing pain." It is explained that the causing pain is even more harmful than killing in that words, thoughts can also cause pain.
- Satyam is truthfulness
- Asteyam from the Wikipedia refers to not stealing, not coveting, nor hoarding, as well as not obstructing other people's desires in life.
- Brahmacharya - continence or celibacy
- Aparigraha - not hoarding, being greed, limiting possessions to what is necessary. Swami Satchidananda says the other translation here "is not accepting gifts."
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