In this sutra Patanjali talks about the Seer, or Purusha. Swami Satchidananda says "Even though the light is pure and never-changing, it appears to change because of the medium of nature." He illustrates that the sun's rays appear to bend when it passes through a section of water. "A filament gives pure light but appears to be red because of the red glass that surrounds it." In the same way, he further illustrates that we are all of the same light. Externally we don't look, act or think alike because of the nature of our bodies and minds, we appear different, but we are made of the same substance.
Swami Satchidananda says that "Through Yogic thinking we can see the entire humanity as our own." and "We can embrace all without exceptions." We are informed that we would not criticize others of doing wrong as we were once in the same boat; "Today's sinners tomorrow's saint." Finally he says that "Yoga helps in every aspect of our lives, from the White House to the outhouse. It's not something to be experienced only after sixty years of practice, but something that can benefit everyone now."
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