Friday, February 27, 2009

Swadhyaya - Study of Spiritual Books YS II - 44

Yoga Sutra II-44- SWADHYAYAD ISTADEVATA SAMPRAYOGAH- By study of spiritual books comes communion with one's chosen deity.

" Swadhyaya,or spiritual study, means study of scriptures and also any practice that is our own personal sadana into which we've been initiated. Regular practice becomes study. By it we get ishta devata samprayogah--the vision, or darshan, of the Lord. By constant effort, we get a vision of the deity connected with our particular mantram, for each mantram has a deity. In other words, each name has a form. If we just stick to a certain name, eventually the form will appear automatically. It may come as a human form, a light or a sound." - Swami Satchidananda

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