Sunday, March 15, 2009

Samyama - Last Three Limbs of Yoga YS III - 4

Yoga Sutra III- 4 - TRAYAM EKATRA SAMYAMAH - The practice of these three [dharana, dhyana and samadhi] upon one object is called samyama.

Swami Satchidananda tells us that siddhis come from practicing the last three limbs of yoga [dharana, dhyana and samadhi]. "You dive deeply into an object or idea, and it releases its secrets. In a way, scientists have done samyama on the atomic paricles. The particles released their energy, and the scientists got the knowledge of them. They accomplished the truth behind the particles. Samyama is usually done on objects or ideas connected with some results. When the results come, you call them siddhis or vibhuti."

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Anne Partain said...

I think I know what they are talking about here. When I dive deeply into some issue I am hung up on, it always gives up the goods. I always find a new view that frees me.

Also, what a cool picture with this post! Thanks!

bometernally said...

You are welcome Anne!

I know what you mean. Like when I practice the yoga asanas, it begins to reveal more of what the pose does to the practitioner. New ways of seeing and being in the pose surfaces.

Take care.