Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Samyama on Strength YS III - 25

Yoga Sutra III- 25 - BALESU HASTI BALADINI - By samyama on the strength of elephants and other such animals, their strength is obtained.

Swami Satchidananda - "That means you do samyama on a very strong animal; for example, an elephant. It is not that the elephant should come to you, but the strength of the elephant. If you do samyama on the Rock of Gibraltar, you will become real rocky. That means you become so heavy. You just simply stand on the scale and weigh 110 pounds. Stand on it doing samyama on the Rock of Gibraltar, the balance will immediately burst. In the same way, if you do samyama on a feather, the balance will record only zero. You can lighten yourself; you can make yourself heavy. It's all achieved by samyama. Do it; try it. Nice things will happen."

The following posts start with the beginning explanations of samyama:

As you can see there are many more sutras relating to samyama.


Anne Partain said...

Please tell me what this says to you.

bometernally said...

Anne, in other words if you do samyama (concentration [dharana], meditation[dhyana] and samadhi [ see other posts on samadhi])on strength, you will get strength. Or as you think so you become. Hope that helps.

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