Yoga Sutra III - 48 GRAHANA SVARUPASMITANVAYARTHAVATTVA SAMYAMAD INDRIYA JAYAH - By samyama on the power of perception and on the essential nature, correlation with the ego sense and purpose of the sense organs, mastery over them is gained.
Yoga Sutra III- 49 - TATO MANOJAVITVAM VIKARANABHAVAH PRADHANA JAYAS CA - From that, the body gains the power to move as fast as the mind, ability to function without the aid of the sense organs, and complete mastery over the primary cause (Prakriti).
Swami Satchidananda translated the above sutras without commentary.
For the above sutras there is a commentary on Yoga Sutra III- 48 and 49 from "How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood.
"Aphorism 48 describes a progressive samyama on all the separate phases of an act of cognition.
The power of using the sense-organs outside the confines of the body, mentioned in aphorism 49, enables one to exercise clairvoyance and clairaudience. Mastery of Prakriti, the primal cause, gives the yogi control of all the effects evolved from Prakriti - in other words, control of Nature."
See related posts:
- Rebirth - YS I-19
- Asamprajnata or Non-distinguished Samadhi YS- I-18...
- Samprajnata (Distinguished) Samadhi-YS I -17
- Avoidable Pain - YS - II - 16, YS II - 17
- The Four Stages of the Gunas YS II - 19
- The Seen - Nature of the Gunas YS II - 18
- Viveka - Discrimination YS II - 26
- Independence of the Seer YS II - 25
- Because of Ignorance - YS II - 24
- Samyoga - Union YS II - 23
- Maya - Illusion YS II - 22
- The Witness - YS II - 21
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