Yoga Sutra III- 43 - KAYAKASAYOH SAMBANDHA SAMYAMAL LAGHU TULA SAMAPATTES CAKASA GAMANAM - By samyama on the relationship between the body and ether, lightness of cotton fiber is attained, and thus traveling through the ether becomes possible.
Yoga Sutra III- 44 BAHIR AKALPITA VRTTIR MAHAVIDEHA TATAH PRAKASAVARANA KSAYAH - By samyama on thought waves unidentified by and external to the body [mah-videha, or the great bodilessness], the veil over the light of the Self is destroyed.
Swami Satchidananda translated the above sutras without commentary.
For the above sutras there is only a commentary on Yoga Sutra III- 44 from "How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood.
"Like aphorism 39, this refer to the yoga power of withdrawing the mind from one's own body in order to make it pass into the body of another. In this state of withdrawal, the 'Great Disincarnation,' the mental coverings composed of rajas and tamas dwindle away and the light of sattva is revealed."
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