Yoga SutraI-29 - TATAH PRATYAK CETANADHIGAMO-'PYANTARAYABHAVAS CA - From this practice all the obstacles disappear and simultaneously dawns knowledge of the inner Self. Here Swami Satchidananda comments that "You get in tune with the cosmic power." The tuning is in reference to japa , the repetition of the mantra OM that connects us with the infinite within us. See the previous post on sutra I-28 regarding reflection on the meaning.
So if you have read the previous posts on the mantra, on OM you might have gained some insight that this practice can plug you into your inner power. Swami Satchidananda says that the mind and body limit us. However, if we hold something infinite(like the mantra OM) we can raise ourselves from the finite objects (obstacles) that bind us and transcend them. With this method we can get rid of all the obstacles freeing our pathway.
So true... and when obstacles appear - the ones linked to olds wounds, now hardened in our being - a calcification of spirit... when OM is most needed it is hardest to OM.
Even though we remember this lesson, when ego attacks, be it wearing fear, or doubt, or is engaged in any of its many dark pursuits... pushing and taunting - elbowing onto the scene, fighting for its 'life'...because, when in a turf war over spirit, ego knows it has no power, should we choose OM.
This is a bit dramatic, but it's fresh on my mind because, just yesterday, one such obstacle attacked. I think it's safe to say the battle ended in a draw. But next time, I'll OM better ;-)
Blessings -ss
:-) OMMMMMM Isn't it great that we can practice again? The more we do it the easier it comes.
Blessings to you SS
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