This writing today continues with a review of the five vrittis (the modifications of the mind) in the Yoga Sutra (YS). The fifth and last vritti is YS I- 11 ANUBHUTA VISAYASAMPRAMOSAH SMRTIH. This means When a mental modification of an object previously experienced and not forgotten comes back to consciousness, that is memory. Swami Satchidananda's commentary of this sutra is that "memories create impressions in the mind" that come up to the surface from time to time whether we want them or not. He further states there are two ways memories surface: 1. as dreams when we sleep and 2. as daydreams during the day. "Both are impressions which, when formed, slowly descend to the bottom of the mind and come to the surface when they are rekindled for some reason." Satchidananda concludes his commentary he as explained what the five vrittis, thought forms, are that "must be controlled".
Swami Muktananda, author of "Mystery of the Mind" comments on this same sutra as the "memory is nothing but the impression of the other four modifications, that are not allowed to escape." To remind you again of the other four vrittis: right knowledge, misconception, verbal delusion and sleep. He gives an example how one could be sitting in meditation and a thought pops up of a fight twelve years ago with someone. Or a person who cannot forget a girl and the thought disturbs them. Muktananda says that "memory is the secretary of the other four vrittis ; no matter where one is, it opens the file and shows one what took place in the past." He concludes that we are not tortured by the mind but by the five vrittis. As long as these modifications are active we do not have peace and that we act according to the feelings of the mind.
I find that memory does not bring me down, but helps me maintain a higher perspective. Things in the past that I once thought of as bad and very unpleasant, I now can see as blessings.
I appreciate your comment C.Om. As we know there are two sides to everything. So definitely it is the good memories that propel us on. And then there are the so called bad ones that keep us back or stuck. That is until we start to become aware or have a conscious shift like yourself.
I find this is just a good review and for new people to know there are different categories of our mind stuff.
Thanks for your comments and have a great day!
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