In the previous post, Swami Satchidananda explained how we could Practice Concentration from Yoga Sutras I-32. In the following Yoga Sutra I-33 he advises us on how this sutra can be very helpful in keeping a peaceful mind in our daily life.
MAITRI KARUNA MUDITOPEKSANAM SUKHA DUHKHA PUNYAPUNYA VISAYANAM BHAVANATAS CITTA PRASADANAM - By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard toward the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness.
Here Swami Satchidananda also asks who would not like serenity of mind and happiness always? He points out that Pantanjali gives us four keys so that when we come across the four locks in the world we can open them. The four locks are sukha - happy, dukha - unhappy, punya - virtuous and apunya - wicked.
- For sukha the key is friendliness. An example is given that when we see others that have things we don't or attain fame, name or high position, if we are jealous it disturbs our serenity, not the other persons' serenity. Instead, by being happy for that person, making friends we keep our calmness.
- The key for unhappy people, dukha, is compassion. So even if others are suffering from their karma, by us lending a helping hand and being merciful, we can retain peace and poise of mind.
- Feeling delight is the key for the virtuous (punya) person. Instead of envying the person, we can imitate and appreciate the great qualities.
- Finally the key for apunya, wickedness is indifference. Don't attempt to advise wicked people since they seldom take advice. If you do, you will lose your peace.
Swami Satchidananda ends his commentary on this sutra by telling us to always keep these keys in our pocket. "If you use the right key with the right person you will retain your peace....Remember, our goal is to keep a serene mind." Remembering this sutra will help alot.
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