Yoga Sutras (YS) I- 16 -TAT PARAM PURUSA KHYATER GUNAVAITRSNYAM - When there is non-thirst for even the gunas (constituents of Nature) due to realization of the Purusha (true Self), that is supreme non-attachment.
Swami Satchidananda's commentary about this sutra is that "Pantanjali goes to explain the higher form of vairagya" (non-attachment). In ordinary vairagya there is the detachment of the mind from its personal desires and enjoyments. In other words, the mind might want something and you say no and it stays away. "But in the higher non-attachment you don't even think of attaching yourself". He asks us what will we do with the impressions that are already in the mind? "The memory of having experienced something will still be there." He says we just can't erase the impressions in the mind. They get erased at one point. That point is when we "succeed in going within and realizing the peace and joy of your own Self."
The essence of Swami Satchidananda's commentary is that of an analogy of discovering such peace and bliss like a brilliant sun, that the impressions of petty enjoyments experienced before would be like ordinary specks of light. He says "if that supreme non-attachment comes even once, even for a second, you experience that joy." He uses the example of finding a delicious dish in a restaurant and not wanting to go to others. If you achieve supreme vairagya then you can joy the world without getting lost in it.
Obviously this can get more complex with further dialogue. I will leave it here for now. I am sure at some point I will redress this again. Contemplate it for now.
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