All the descriptions in this sutra are symptoms of stress! We all experience stress symptoms at sometime or other and Swami Satchidananda said that the symptoms prevent concentration and meditation. He commented that we should not allow the body and mind to be tamasic or dull. The body and mind should always be sattvic (tranquil). According to Swami Satchidananda, tranquility "cannot be created all of a sudden by meditation alone". It is up to us to take care of our daily activities, movements, associations and what we eat. He states a sickly body will not allow one to sit much less allow the mind to meditate quietly. He further elaborates that weak nerves create tremors. If we keep our bodies in proper condition with the right diet, exercise, and enough rest it will not be lazy and dull.
This is why the physical yoga practice is so great! From my perspective it is the best daily activity that we can do. Whenever I practice the asanas (postures) I always feel so good afterwards. There is a saying among yoga practitioners that if something is bothering you, take it to the mat. Think about it. You physically stretch, stimulate your circulation and get rid of the blocks in the body. From my experience after the practice, my mind is so peaceful and I carry that sense of that peaceful awareness with me.
What one eats also affects whether one feels sluggish or energetic. If we don't get enough sleep we are cranky and not as alert. So be aware of any of the above symptoms you might be displaying. You might want to check out my yoga workshop for the new year. Go to http://www.bometernally.com/
Happy Winter Solstice!
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