If you have been following this blog for the last five days, you know I have been talking about the vrittis (modifications of the mind, thought forms) that we all have. I have been referring to the Yoga Sutra (YS). Patanjali lists the five types of vrittis (mental modifications) as right knowledge, misconception, verbal delusion, sleep and memory."
So the next question is how do we control these thoughts to have peace of mind? In YS I-12 - ABHYASA VAIRAGYABHYAM TANNIRODHAH - These mental modificiations are restrained by practice and non-attachment. Swami Satchidananda's comment here is " On the positive side, you practice. On the other side, you detach yourself from the cause of these modifications. Pantanjali gives both a positive and negative approach to thought control."
Swami Muktananda, author of "Mystery of the Mind" comments on this same sutra "By intense practice and by detachment, they can be stilled". All five modifications of the mind can be brought under control by these two means: practice and detachment. (However, one must practice ceaselessly , since for so many years one has been practicing the five modifications of the mind.)" He further says that "there are many spiritual practices" and the best one is the identification awareness with the Truth. By practicing awareness of unity for long time,with reverence and devotion, one can become established in the nature of the Self.
In researching this topic I came across this short video clip. (Click video to access it.) And check out the following quote: "He who binds to himself a joy Does the winged life destroy;But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in Eternity's sunrise."
~ William Blake Quotes
Stay tuned to the various ways we can practice and become detached.
The ego never really goes away, we simply learn to watch it, but not in amusement nor distress, as 'the I' performs its tireless tactics to be in control. -ss
So true SS that the ego never really goes away. And it is in the practice that we learn to watch it so that we can be detached.
Thanks for your comments SS
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