Tapasya (tápasya) in Sanskrit means "heat". In Vedic religion and Hinduism, it is used figuratively, denoting spiritual suffering, mortification or austerity, and also the spiritual ecstasy of a yogin or tāpasá (a Vrddhi derivative meaning "a practitioner of austerities, an ascetic").
Swami Satchidananda says "The direct meaning of tapas is "to burn," as was discussed in the first Sutra of this portion." Examples of tapas are given :
- physical tapas or fasting - burns away excess fat with toxins that have accumulated in the body.
- mental tapas - burning all old impressions
- verbal tapas - observing silence to control speech
He says when we burn, pain and heat are felt and we undergo suffering. "So, tapas also means to accept suffering. If someone suffers, he or she is blessed, because by that suffering some impurities are purged out." Swami Satchidananda says that we should never run from pain and how our lives are filled with hundreds of opportunities for tapas. Washing a piece of cloth is given as an example of going through tapasya to become pure. "The mind must be washed, squeezed, tossed, dried and ironed" like the cloth. We are informed that people who cause us pain are actually helping to purify us. If we still get upset from insults, our mind is not yet strong.
"Adapt, adjust, accommodate. Bear insult. Bear injury. That is the highest sadhana (spiritual practice)." was what Swami Satchidananda's Master told him. It is easy sadhana to go in a corner and say a mantra, however, to keep a serene mind when insulted is higher than saying a thousand rosaries of japa. "That is tapasya. The power to control the body and senses comes by tapasya."
"The practice of self-discipline refines our sense-perceptions and even our physical substance until we become aware of latent psychic powers, such as the power of clairvoyance, telepathy, levitation, etc. " - "How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood
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Awesome! This is very encouraging to those who have hardships in their lives right now. I have a few posts similar to this.
Thank you for spreading the light!
Awesome it is. It's just to enlightening to know that we have teachings all around us to help us shine. Just like the analogy of the friction of the coal causes it to be a diamond!
People of like minds are are similar wave links. I am glad this post is of some help.
Blessings to you C.Om
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