In this sutra Swami Satchidananda informs us that Patanjali begins cover the ten virtues, one by one. "When the vow of ahimsa is established in someone, all enmity ceases in his or her presence because that person emits harmonious vibrations."
Swami Satchidananda tells us that if ahimsa "is practiced continuously in thought, word and deed for some time, the entire personality brings out those vibrations." He uses stories with examples of ahimsa, like if two enemies come before a person established in ahimsa, being affected by the harmonious vibrations, they will temporarily forget their enmity. Another story is that even wild animals will become docile in the presence of the harmonious vibrations. Examples of Lord Buddha, St. Francis and Mahatma Gandhi are given as being examples of peace and friendliness. In the case of Mahatma Gandhi, who practiced ahimsa and satya, even though he died by the hand of an assassin (his ahimsa was not perfected in that his assassin might have forgotten in his presence not to shoot him), Swami Satchidananda says even with a little perfection, Gandhi is admired and revered. So "Even a bit of ahimsa is enough to elevate us to a higher state."
"How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood gives similar commentary adding the following:
They point out the use of the word "harmless "(ahimsa) carries a derogatory connotation as being "ineffectual". "Yet the perfected harmlessness of the saint is by no means ineffectual; it is a positive psychological force of tremendous power." At the end of their commentary they quote Swami Vivekananda as saying "The test of ahimsa (harmlessness) is absence of jealousy." As long as there is jealousy in the heart, perfection of ahimsa is far away.See related posts:
This is another way of explaining the law of attraction in a way.
I can understand this teaching from earlier life experience. Seeing the toughest (most thugged out)guys around the neighborhood, you could feel the aggressive nature of their vibe. I'm sure everyone has experienced being around a person who had a very antagonistic attitude. Later on, it was no surprise when you found out they attracted someone else of their same nature but to a greater extent. In other words, a violent person will eventually attract an even more violent person who will rub out the first.
The same can be said of those with very uplifting energy. They will attract that energy from other. Even from those who normally do not display it.
Great stuff here!
Thanks for your explanation in terms of the law of attraction. I am grateful for the attraction of " very uplifting energy".
I agree that this is great information from an ancient ageless source. It keeps me contemplating.
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