From the Wikipedia- In yoga, the term brahmacharya tends to take on a connotation of disciplining the use of and preserving sexual energy. Brahmacharya is discussed in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras as one of the 5 Yamas, the foundational commitments for the practice of yoga. According to the Yoga Sutras, the end-result or fruit of Brahmacharya practised to perfection is unbounded energy or vitality.
Swami Satchidananda says "By getting established in continence or celibacy, we save energy. Virya means vital energy. Labha means profit. When there is no loss of virya we gain energy. What we gain by this saving is worth knowing. In the name of loving and giving, many times we lose this energy and become mentally and physically depleted. If we are not strong mentally and physically, we can never gain real spiritual wealth." Swami Satchidananda goes on to say that sex is not the only form of love and that "seminal fluid is our life." He informs us that sexual energy that is conserved in women also gets transformed and that he is not telling us to completely stay away from sex, only to be moderate. Preserved sexual energy gets transformed into ojas (a subtle energy) and is similar to personal magnetism. "And ojas, when stored, creates tejas. Tejas is the aura or the glow." Everyone can have this glow and transmit that energy, if a lot of ojas is accumulated.
Finally from "How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood :
"Sexual activity, and the thoughts and fantasies of sex, use up a great portion of our vital force. When that force is conserved through abstinence, it becomes sublimated as spiritual energy. Such energy is indispensable to a spiritual teacher, it is the power by which he transmits understanding to his pupils. For true religion is not 'taught', like history or mathematics; it is transmitted, like light or heat."
1 comment:
Great knowledge. Strong commitment can give great results in the life happiness. Thank you very much.
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