"By the establishment of truthfulness, Yogis get the power to attain for themselves and others the fruits of work without doing the work . In other words, things come to them automatically." - Swami Satchidananda. Basically what is being said here is if one practices satya, truthfulness, (no lying), a time will come where everything you say will come true! "Even if you say something by mistake, it will happen, because by the practice of satyam the words become so powerful and clean that honesty observes you. It wants to be with you always." So in other words, if you curse or say a blessing, it will come to pass. Swami Satchidananda informs us that the more we lead a life of honesty and see the results of it, it will encourage us to be more honest.
As a result of this honesty, fearlessness comes into play. "One need not be afraid of anybody and can always lead an open life." Our lives will be like an open book . This is only possible if there is an absolutely honest mind, being clear and serene. Therefore our true essence, the Self, is reflected and Truth is in its original nature. So if we practice the truth it will follow us. At the end of the commentary, Swami Satchidananda warns us that "Yoga is not a philosophy to be followed with blind faith." He tells us that if we true Yogis for just one day, we would be transformed and want more of it, becoming like a habit. First we practice, making effort, until we begin to taste the benefit. Then no matter what obstacles come our way, it wouldn't stop us from our goal.
See related post:
This resonates powerfully with me. Thank you!
Peace and Blessings
@ C.Om I second that. This sutra is quite thought provoking. I am so grateful to review this sacred text.
@ SS - {:-)
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