Swami Satchidananda points out that people have wasted thousands of years looking for the "Light within" doing external practice. "Even if you practice Yoga for eight thousand years, you are not going to reach the Light." By this he refers to reading books, learning scriptures by heart, and visiting holy places like churches temples and ashrams. We are informed that all religions direct us to look within and we are not going to get it on the outside. It is suggested that we spend a little time everyday to go within. "Gradually we can extend this to our entire daily life." So even as we perform our daily activities, we can do so with the mind pulled inside.
As Swami Satchidananda nears the end of his commentary, he reminds us that symbols should be used to transcend them. In other words, for us to make proper use of spiritual aids and don't hesitate to leave them as we go further. "Once we reach the first step, we are on an escalator that takes us to the seventh stage."
See related post - Wisdom - Seven Stages - YS II - 27 (Part I)
Tremendous! I have understood this particular principle for a while, but to be reminded of it and to have it mirrored by great sources is always a blessing. The teachers can only show us the door, but it is up to us to walk through it. Spiritual rituals and practices are our teachers. They show us the door. Once we walk through it, they can not provide the same service for us as we have learned what there is to be learned. It is a matter of consistently moment to moment BEING the higher Self; BEING what we have learned that will take us the rest of the way.
Thanks you for sharing these jewels!
You are welcome C.Om! I know you have the same realization about spiritual aids being the pointer or path leading us to the "door".
These are truly jewels leading us to the Light!
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