Saturday, April 18, 2009

Discriminative Knowledge YS III - 55

Yoga Sutra III- 55- TARAKAM SARVA VISAYAM SARVATHA VISAYAM AKRAMAM CETI VIVEKAJAM JNANAM - The discriminative knowledge that simultaneously comprehends all objects in all conditions is the intuitive knowledge which brings liberation.

Swami Satchidananda translated the above sutra without commentary.

Ordinary knowledge based on sense-perception is a sequence. We learn one fact about a given object, then another fact, then more and more facts. But the yogi who possesses discriminative knowledge understands objects totally and immediately. If, for example, he meets another human being, he knows him at once in all his past and future modifications, as a baby, a youth, an adult, and an old man. Such knowledge is infinite; it is within eternity, not time. It delivers a man from the bondage of karma and ignorance.
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