Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mastery Over Elements YS III - 45, 46

Yoga Sutra III- 45 - STHULA SVARUPA SUKSMANVAYARTHA VATTVA SAMYAMAD BHUTAJAYAH - By samyama on the gross and subtle elements and on their essential nature, correlations and purpose, mastery over them is gained.

Yoga Sutra III - 46 - TATO'NIMADI PRADURBHAVAH KAYA SAMPAT TADDHARMANABHIGHATAS CA - From that comes attainment of anima and other siddis, bodily perfection and the non-obstruction of bodily functions by the influence of the elements. [Note: The eight major siddhis alluded to here are: anima (to become very small); mahima (to become very big); laghima (very light); garima (heavy); prapti (to reach anywhere); prakamya (to achieve all one's desire); isatva (ability to create anything); vasitva (ability to command and control everything.)]

Swami Satchidananda translated the above sutras without commentary.

For the above sutras there is only a commentary on Yoga Sutra III- 46 from "How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood.

"Not only can the yogi become as tiny as an atom but as huge as a mountain, as heavy as lead, or as light as air. And the elements cease to obstruct him. He can pass through a rock. He can hold his hand in fire, unburned. He can walk through water, unwetted. He can stand against a hurricane."

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