Thursday, April 16, 2009

Single Moments/Sequence in Time YS III - 53

Yoga Sutra III- 53 - KSANA TAT KRAMAYOH SAMYAMAD VIVEKAJAM JNANAM - By samyama on single moments in sequence comes discriminative knowledge.

Swami Satchidananda translated sutra 53 without commentary.

"By making samyama on single moments and on their sequence in time, the yogi comes to realize that the entire universe passes through a change within every single moment. Hence, he understands that the nature of the universe is transitory. This understanding is what is meant by discriminative knowledge. Because the yogi's mind is not subject to the illusion of 'time', he can understand the real nature of his experiences. The rest of us, who think in terms of time-sequences, are constantly generalizing our sensations, mentally carrying over the sensations of one moment into the next and the next. We say, 'I was sad the whole afternoon,' when in fact, we were only sad at 2:15, 3:01, and so forth." Thus we are deluding ourselves and suffer imaginary pain.

"For suffering is largely composed of our memory of past pain and our fear of repeated pain in the future, and this memory and this fear are dependent on our consciousness of a time-sequence.

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