Yoga Sutra I-21 - TIVRA SAMVEGANAM ASANNAH - To the keen and intent practitioner this [samadhi] comes very quickly.
Yoga Sutra I- 22 - MRDU MADHYADHIMATRATVAT TATO'PI VISESAH - The time necessary for success further depends on whether the practice is mild, medium or intense.
There are no comments here from Swami Satchidananda on these two sutras, just the translations. However in the book "How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, they say for these sutras "Theoretically, there is no reason why we should not achieve the perfect state of yoga within the space of a single second-- since the Atman is eternally within us and our ignorance to this fact could be instantaneously dispelled."
They go on to say that it is our past karmas, present fears and desires and the relative strength of our energies that retard our progress. They say no time period can be put on when this state could be achieved. For some of us it might take months, years or even lifetimes and it all depends on us individually. All they can say that "no effort , however small, is wasted, and the harder we try, the sooner we shall succeed."
Indeed. This one resonates deeply with me.
Light and Blessings
Great C.Om! It's great to know that our keeness,intent and practice counts!
Blessings to you.
"They go on to say that it is our past karmas, present fears and desires and the relative strength of our energies that retard our progress."
What a weight these forces can be... I'm just grateful to have awakened enough to observe these nasty energies when they erupt - for I know this is the beginning of their dissolution. - ss
Right you are SS in the fact that just to be aware enough to observe the process does fizzle out the those tendencies or forces. Your comment also reminds me of what Eckhart Tolle says in his book "A New Earth..."
Thanks for your comment SS
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