"After attaining the pure, non reflective samadhi, the Yogi gets 'wisdom-filled-with-truth." which is the meaning of ritambhara.
According to Swami Satchidananda Patanjali continues on to the next sutra:
Yoga Sutra I-49 SRUTANUMANA PRAJNABHYAM ANYA VISAY VISESARTHATVAT- This special truth is totally different from knowledge gained by hearing, study of scripture on inference.
Yoga Sutra I-49 SRUTANUMANA PRAJNABHYAM ANYA VISAY VISESARTHATVAT- This special truth is totally different from knowledge gained by hearing, study of scripture on inference.
Swami Satchidananda says here that when one achieves ritambhara prajna, one can understand everything without study. And when you can transend the mind with proper concentration, "you can feel the cosmic force or God." "Experiencing God is something that is genuine and comes only when you transcend the mind." He says that the mind cannot understand God, because it is made of matter and it could not possibly understand that which is more subtle than matter. So basically here, Swami Satchidananda says" that in ritambhara prajna you transcend the mind and gain a knowledge that is realization. " And in order for that to happen, the mind must be completely silent.
Indeed! I know I have had glimpses of this state. I am continuously moving on a path that bridges these glimpses closer and closer. I am amazed at the understanding that spontaneously comes to me at times.
Light and Blessings
It is amazing that we do have glimpses of this state. I see it a lot when "I" am teaching class. I also see it when I am more in the moment and spontaneously do things from that instant knowing/understanding.
Light & Blessings to you C.Om
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