Tuesday, April 7, 2009

With Purification - No Samyama Needed YS III - 34

Yoga Sutra III- 34 - PRATIBHAD VA SARVAM - Or, in the knowledge that dawns by spontaneous enlightenment [through a life of purity], all the powers come by themselves.

Swami Satchidananda translated the above sutras without commentary.

"How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood - "When the mind has reached a very high state of purification, the psychic powers may come to it spontaneously and unbidden, without the making of any samyama."


Anne Partain said...

I really like this about the purification of the mind. I see it as becoming extremely picky about what I focus on.

Good info. Thanks.

bometernally said...

Greetings Anne

You are welcome and Thanks for your visit and comment. I actually thought about you when putting this post up.

Take care {:-)