अशेष्ह-ताप-तप्तानां समाश्रय-मठो हठः अशेष्ह-योग-युक्तानामाधार-कमठो हठः १० aśeṣha-tāpa-taptānāṃ samāśraya-maṭho haṭhaḥ aśeṣha-yogha-yuktānāmādhāra-kamaṭho haṭhaḥ 10
Like a house protecting one from the heat of the sun, Haṭha Yoga protects its practiser from the burning heat of the three Tâpas; and, similarly, it is the supporting tortoise, as it were, for those who are constantly devoted to the practice of Yoga. 10. - Sinh
Hatha is the sanctuary for those suffering every type of pain. It is the foundation for those practicing every type of yoga.
हठ-विद्या परं गोप्या योगिना सिद्धिमिछ्छता भवेद्वीर्यवती गुप्ता निर्वीर्या तु परकाशिता ११
haṭha-vidyā paraṃ ghopyā yoghinā siddhimichchatā bhavedvīryavatī ghuptā nirvīryā tu prakāśitā 11
A Yogî desirous of success should keep the knowledge of Haṭha Yoga secret; for it becomes potent by concealing, and impotent by exposing. 11.
The science of Hatha should be kept top secret by the yogi desirous of success. It is potent when concealed and impotent when revealed.
सुराज्ये धार्मिके देशे सुभिक्ष्हे निरुपद्रवे धनुः परमाण-पर्यन्तं शिलाग्नि-जल-वर्जिते एकान्ते मठिका-मध्ये सथातव्यं हठ-योगिना १२
surājye dhārmike deśe subhikṣhe nirupadrave dhanuḥ pramāṇa-paryantaṃ śilāghni-jala-varjite ekānte maṭhikā-madhye sthātavyaṃ haṭha-yoghinā 12
The Yogî should practise Haṭha Yoga in a small room, situated in a solitary place, being 4 cubits square, and free from stones, fire, water, disturbances of all kinds, and in a country where justice is properly administered, where good people live, and food can be obtained easily and plentifully. 12.
The Hatha Yogi should live in a secluded hut free of stones, fire, dampness to distance of four cubits in a country that is properly governed, virtuous, properous and beautiful.
अल्प-दवारमरन्ध्र-गर्त-विवरं नात्युछ्छ-नीछायतंसम्यग-गोमय-सान्द्र-लिप्तममलं निःशेस-जन्तूज्झितम बाह्ये मण्डप-वेदि-कूप-रुछिरं पराकार-संवेष्ह्टितंपरोक्तं योग-मठस्य लक्ष्हणमिदं सिद्धैर्हठाभ्यासिभिः १३
alpa-dvāramarandhra-gharta-vivaraṃ nātyuchcha-nīchāyataṃsamyagh-ghomaya-sāndra-liptamamalaṃ niḥśesa-jantūjjhitam bāhye maṇḍapa-vedi-kūpa-ruchiraṃ prākāra-saṃveṣhṭitaṃproktaṃ yogha-maṭhasya lakṣhaṇamidaṃ siddhairhaṭhābhyāsibhiḥ 13
The room should have a small door, be free from holes, hollows, neither too high nor too low, well plastered with cow-dung and free from dirt, filth and insects. On its outside there should be bowers, raised platform (chabootrâ), a well, and a compound. These characteristics of a room for Haṭha Yogîs have been described by adepts in the practice of Haṭha. 13.
These are the marks of a yoga hut as described by masters practicing Hatha: a small door, no windows, no rat holes; not too high, too lwo or too long; well plastered by cow dung, clean and bug free. The grounds are enclosed by a wall and beautified by arbor, a raised platform, and a well.
एवं विधे मठे सथित्वा सर्व-छिन्ता-विवर्जितः गुरूपदिष्ह्ट-मार्गेण योगमेव समभ्यसेत १४
evaṃ vidhe maṭhe sthitvā sarva-chintā-vivarjitaḥ ghurūpadiṣhṭa-mārgheṇa yoghameva samabhyaset 14
Having seated in such a room and free from all anxieties, he should practise Yoga, as instructed by his guru. 14.
Living in this hut, free from all anxieties, one should earnestly practice yoga as taught by one's Guru.
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