Pancham Sinh's translation was done in 1915 and in his introduction he points out that there are two classes of students of Yoga. Those who studied it theoretically and those who combined the theory with practice. He stated that Yoga is of little use if studied theoretically.
Chapter one is named Asanas. As with all spiritual and or yogic text it begins with acknowledgement /salutations to the Guru or Deity responsible for the making of the text.
शरी-आदि-नाथाय नमोअस्तु तस्मै
येनोपदिष्ह्टा हठ-योग-विद्या
विभ्राजते परोन्नत-राज-योगम
आरोढुमिछ्छोरधिरोहिणीव १ १
śrī-ādi-nāthāya namoastu tasmai
yenopadiṣhṭā haṭha-yogha-vidyā
vibhrājate pronnata-rāja-yogham
āroḍhumichchoradhirohiṇīva 1 1
Salutations to Adinatha (Siva) who expounded the knowledge of Hatha Yoga, which is like a staircase that leads the aspirant to the high pinnacled Raja Yoga. - translated by Pancham Singh
Salutations to Shiva, who taught the science of Hatha Yoga. It is the aspirant's stairway to the heights of Raja Yoga - translated by Brian Dana Ackers
(Raja Yoga - the path of meditation combining all of the paths. Included also is the study of body as a vehicle of spiritual energy.)
परणम्य शरी-गुरुं नाथं सवात्मारामेण योगिना
केवलं राज-योगाय हठ-विद्योपदिश्यते २
praṇamya śrī-ghuruṃ nāthaṃ svātmārāmeṇa yoghinā
kevalaṃ rāja-yoghāya haṭha-vidyopadiśyate 2
Yogin Swâtmârâma, after saluting first his Gurû Srinâtha explains Haṭha Yoga for the attainment of Raja Yoga. 2. - Sinh
Ackers translates this line as Yogi Svatmarama, after saluting the Lord and Guru, explains the science of Hatha for one reason - Raja Yoga
केवलं राज-योगाय हठ-विद्योपदिश्यते २
praṇamya śrī-ghuruṃ nāthaṃ svātmārāmeṇa yoghinā
kevalaṃ rāja-yoghāya haṭha-vidyopadiśyate 2
Yogin Swâtmârâma, after saluting first his Gurû Srinâtha explains Haṭha Yoga for the attainment of Raja Yoga. 2. - Sinh
Ackers translates this line as Yogi Svatmarama, after saluting the Lord and Guru, explains the science of Hatha for one reason - Raja Yoga
भरान्त्या बहुमत-धवान्ते राज-योगमजानताम
हठ-परदीपिकां धत्ते सवात्मारामः कॄपाकरः ३
bhrāntyā bahumata-dhvānte rāja-yoghamajānatām
haṭha-pradīpikāṃ dhatte svātmārāmaḥ kṝpākaraḥ 3
हठ-परदीपिकां धत्ते सवात्मारामः कॄपाकरः ३
bhrāntyā bahumata-dhvānte rāja-yoghamajānatām
haṭha-pradīpikāṃ dhatte svātmārāmaḥ kṝpākaraḥ 3
Owing to the darkness arising from the multiplicity of opinions people are unable to know the Râja Yoga. Compassionate Swâtmârâma composes the Haṭha Yoga Pradipikâ like a torch to dispel it. 3. - Sinh
Ackers translation here is For those too ignorant of Raja Yoga, wandering in the darkness of too many opinions, compassionate Svatmarama gives the light of Hatha.
Verses 5 through 8 refers to the names of Siddhas (masters) that have existed in former times:—
इत्यादयो महासिद्धा हठ-योग-परभावतः
खण्डयित्वा काल-दण्डं बरह्माण्डे विछरन्ति ते ९
ityādayo mahāsiddhā haṭha-yogha-prabhāvataḥ
khaṇḍayitvā kāla-daṇḍaṃ brahmāṇḍe vicharanti te 9
These Mahâsiddhas (great masters), breaking the sceptre of death, are roaming in the universe. 9. - Sinh
खण्डयित्वा काल-दण्डं बरह्माण्डे विछरन्ति ते ९
ityādayo mahāsiddhā haṭha-yogha-prabhāvataḥ
khaṇḍayitvā kāla-daṇḍaṃ brahmāṇḍe vicharanti te 9
These Mahâsiddhas (great masters), breaking the sceptre of death, are roaming in the universe. 9. - Sinh
Or as translated by Ackers - ...these and other great masters, having conquered death through the power of Hatha Yoga, roam the universe.
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