Though many people are running around, being with family, partying and over eating, most do not really know of the significance of what this season really means. If one is aware of the I-Ching which is defined partly from Wikipedia as “Book of Changes” is one of the oldest of the Chinese classic texts.[1] The book is a symbol system used to identify order in random events. So for the event of Christmas I will refer to the 24th Hexagram Return (The Turning Point). (Hexagram 24 is named 復 (fù), "Returning". Other variations include "return (the turning point)". Its inner trigram is ☳ (震 zhèn) shake = (雷) thunder, and its outer trigram is ☷ (坤 kūn) field = (地) earth)
If you look at the Wilhelm/Baynes translation of "The I Ching or Book of Changes" you will see an explanation of the 24th Hexagram relating to this time of year. There is a reference to the dark lines have pushed all the light lines upward and out of the hexagram, and that light line enters the hexagram from below. It is stated that "The time for darkness is past. The winter solstice brings the victory of the light." This hexagram is linked to the December- January time period. Correlations of the powerful light that had been banished (the diminishing sunlight ) is now returning, however the return is gradual, based on nature making it a natural rising spontaneously.
So out with the old, in with the new. It is also noted that in China that it is celebrated as a time of rest at the onset of the new year. The movement is gradual, like planting a seed and nurturing it or slow like a return to health after illness or a return of understanding after an estrangement. So take your time and concentrate and be still. This is where a conscious yoga practice can help you focus to be calm, still and observant.
Happy Return of the Light!
Posted by bometernally at 12:43 PM
Brilliant, I love it, a great post . . . thanks!
I used to be into the I-Ching many moons ago now . . in my late twenteens and thirties, have not been since though.
Happy New Year to you bometernally :)
Thanks Doug! Sorry I took so long to respond. Happy New Year to you too {:-)
Namie - I don't know what you said, but thank you for visting this site.
套餐 You are welcome. Thank you for your comment
Doug Hope you are having a Happy New Year! It is half way gone at the time I am replying. :-)
namie - Thanks for the comment which I found a translation - The best way to cultivate healthy children is the parents first become healthy people. .........................
套餐 Thank you for reading my post.
監控 Thank you for your comment - I got a tranlation that you wrote 'Good article, very good mood to see'
青椒 (Green Pepper) Thank you for your comment of People who have never experienced failure on their own or others are ill-understood
與發(And Development) - Interesting comment
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Toward our goal to go, they will not get lost
柏辰 (Bo Chen), BlancaMcleroy1230, BurtonClary031, 珮瑜, chrry, - Your info is not appreciated here.
雅婷雅婷宛佳 (Yating Yating Wan Jia) - Thank you for your comment of We are not as happy and singing, but sing to make us happy .....................................
AshantiHallenb54165 -
Thank you for your wisdom of A cheerful heart is good medicine for health, a broken spirit makes marrow dry. ........................................
韋于倫成 (Wei Yu Lun Cheng) - Thank you for your comment of If you encounter. You will feel knowing each other. So. There is a custom called the company; if accompanied. You will feel cherished. So. There is a sweet called there !................. .....................................
熙辰 (Xi Chen) - Thanks for your comment and visiting
向花 (To Spend) - Thank you so much for your comment of Fountain height, no more than its source. The same is true of a person's career, it never achieved more than their beliefs. ..................................................
josema - You are correct in knowledge is power. Thanks for visiting!
RoseH_Huls21365 - Your comment You can not decide on the length of life, but you can control its width .................................... ............................ is very nice.
張怡 (Zang Yi) Thank you for Appreciation is a virtue ~ response to the largest support
凱文凱文 (Kevin Kevin) - Very interesting contemplation of these times 'People have eyes of a tongue, is the observation times for the sake of talking. '
吳婷婷 (Ting-Ting Wu)- Thank you for your comment'Life is the story of creation and forgotten. .................................................. ..........
丞虹 (Cheng Hong) - Thank you so much for your comment of ' Oh well your blog is excellent ~........................................
云依恩HFH謝鄭JTR安 (Yun Xie Zheng JTR Ian HFH An) - Thank you for visiting and being a friend also.
致又郭dgdfg陳jt延邦 (To further extend state Guo dgdfg Chen jt) - Thank for visiting and your comment of 'Want to promote the world, first launched their own. .................................................. ...........'
楊儀卉 (Yangyi Hui) - Thank you for visiting friend
吳婷婷 (Ting-Ting Wu) - Thank you for visiting again.
家榮家榮 (Home Rongjia Rong)- Thank you so much for your comment. I am just an instument passing on this great work from the I Ching
王美妹 (Wang Mei-mei) - Your comment ' Like their own level of meaning is "to accept himself." ..................................................' is very nice....
陳晏李秀樺雄 (Chen Xiong Yan Li Xiuhua)- So true your statement of 'Those who refuse to risk and growth, will eventually be eliminated Tao tide of life.'
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