अथ आसनमहठस्य परथमाङ्गत्वादासनं पूर्वमुछ्यते कुर्यात्तदासनं सथैर्यमारोग्यं छाङ्ग-लाघवम १९
atha āsanamhaṭhasya prathamāngghatvādāsanaṃ pūrvamuchyate kuryāttadāsanaṃ sthairyamāroghyaṃ chānggha-lāghavam 19
Being the first accessory of Haṭha Yoga, âsana is described first. It should be practised for gaining steady posture, health and lightness of body. 19.
वशिष्ह्ठाद्यैश्छ मुनिभिर्मत्स्येन्द्राद्यैश्छ योगिभिः अङ्गीकॄतान्यासनानि कथ्यन्ते कानिछिन्मया २०
vaśiṣhṭhādyaiścha munibhirmatsyendrādyaiścha yoghibhiḥ angghīkṝtānyāsanāni kathyante kānichinmayā 20
I am going to describe certain âsanas which have been adopted by Munîs like Vasiṣṭha, etc., and Yogîs like Matsyendra, etc. 20.
जानूर्वोरन्तरे सम्यक्कॄत्वा पाद-तले उभे ॠजु-कायः समासीनः सवस्तिकं तत्प्रछक्ष्हते २१
jānūrvorantare samyakkṝtvā pāda-tale ubhe ṝju-kāyaḥ samāsīnaḥ svastikaṃ tatprachakṣhate 21
Having kept both the hands under both the thighs, with the body straight, when one sits calmly in this posture, it is called Swastika.
The following is a NOTE I found on this posture:
Swastika is an auspicious Tantrik symbol. It is a symbol of fertility and creativity. As this Asana resembles Swastika, it is called as Swastikasana.
Benefits of Swastikasana:
This is one of the simplest and comfirtable meditative posture. This Asana is very comfortable for long hours of meditation. This Asana is most suitable for Pranayama, meditation, learning and spiritual activities. This Asana reduces the high blood pressure. Ailments of knees are cured from the practice of this Asana. As the backbone is kept straight in this Asana, pressure on Spinal cord is relieved thereby strengthening the backbone. Flow of energy in Nadis (Energy channels in the subtle body) will increase. Cleansing of Nadis is one of the main benefits of this Asana. A pleasant feeling in the body arises and calmness pervades the body and mind. Auspicious vibrations and feelings will enter the mind as the name of the Asana is Swastika which means auspicious. Kundalini power is awakened by the regular practice of Swastikasana.
Benefits of Swastikasana according to science:This Asana tones the muscles of abdominal area and sciatic nerve. Normal temperature in the body is maintained by the regular practice of Swastikasana.
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1 comment:
家唐銘 Thank you for your comment. I think I know what you mean when you say learning makes a ill man worse. Since the ill man already has wrong understanding the learnind is not clear. How does your comment relate to this post?
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