Swami Satchidananda translated this sutra without commentary.
"How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood says the following:
Time is a sequence of moments and, hence, a sequence of mutations of the gunas which take place at every moment. We only become aware of these moment-changes at intervals, when a whole series of of them have resulted in a mutation which is sufficiently remarkable to be apparent to our senses. An example is given of a that a bud on a flower has opened, but after a couple of hours we recognize the blossoming flower. Similarly, at the end of a series of thoughts and impressions, we may have an idea or make a decision.
But for the illumined soul (jivanmukti) , time has no reality. There is no sequence in his thought-pattern. He controls time, as it were, and know the past, present and future like a flash in the eternal now (III,53).
Another great sutra, showing that time is just a part of one's perspective and is not "truly real." Thanks for posting!
You are welcome! And I agree that these sutras are great.
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