Yoga Sutra - IV- 26 - TADAHI VIVEKA NIMNAM KAIVALYA PRAGBHARAM CITTAM - Then the mind-stuff is inclined toward discrimination and gravitates toward Absoluteness.
Yoga Sutra - IV- 27 - TACCHIDRESU PRATYAYANTARANI SAMSKAREBHYAH - In between, distracting thoughts may arise due to past impressions.
Yoga Sutra - IV- 28 - HANAM ESAM KLESAVAD UKTAM - They can be removed, as in the case of the obstacles explained before. [See Book 2, Sutras 1, 2, 10, 11 and 26.]
Swami Satchidananda translated these sutras without commentary.
"How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood says the following for YS IV - 28:
That is, by meditation and by resolving the mind back into its primal cause (that is, attaining samadhi), as explained in chapter II, aphorisms 10 and 11.
There is a saying of Sri Ramakrishna that one needs to continue fanning oneself on hot days, but that it becomes unnecessary when the spring breeze blows. When a man attains illumination, the breeze of grace is continually felt and the fanning (the constant practice of discrimination) is no longer needed.
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