Swami Satchidananda tells us "By proper practice of Pratyahara, your senses come fully under your control. They become obedient horses, taking you wherever you want. You become a complete master over them." He informs us that we should not feel like we losing anything by avoiding sensual pleasures, but instead, even though we may feel tension at first, later we can really feel proud of gaining mastery over the senses. Satisfying the senses gives momentary pleasure followed by a great dejection afterward. "The happiness we can receive by mastery lasts longer than temporary joys." " If you are free from your own mind and senses, nothing can bind you; then you are really free." We are told that even imperial power or dictatorship can never bind us as a result of this mastery of the senses. This mastery is everyone's birthright. "If we have that control, we can do whatever we want, find peace and joy within and share the same with all humanity."
This sutra ends the second book (Book Two) Sadhana Pada (portion on practice) of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Stay tuned - the accomplishments or benefits of the practice will follow.
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"My senses become under my control" Yes, sounds like individuation. I like it. Thanks, Anne
Amazing! And it makes perfect sense. Great stuff!
@ Anne -Glad you like the post and you are welcome!
@ C.Om - It is very inspiring as well as amazing! Take care!
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