[This sutra is still addressing asana, the third limb of yoga]
Swami Satchidananda --"If you make the posture firm and comfortable, then you are not affected by the dualities. Neither heat or cold, praise nor censure, profit nor loss will affect you. You are neutral. Whether someone blesses or curses you, praises or pulls you down, whether you gain or lose a million dollars--you will be neutral. Just by posture alone you can rise above the dualities, because the mind is under your control. Even if it wants to cry it will ask your permission first. 'There is something to cry over. Can I cry?' 'Yes. Otherwise, people will think you are crazy. Come on, cry a little.' Just to be with the world, sometimes we must cry when other people are crying, but still we can be in control. Sometimes we must show anger. But these emotions should only come out for our use, with our permission."
The following statement comes from "How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood on this sutra:
"Such complete mastery of the body does not, of course, come through posture alone. It arises from a state of absorption in the consciousness of God. Patanjali goes on to describe the further practices which are necessary in order to reach this state."
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