Yoga Sutra III- 22- ETENA SABDADYANTARDHANAM UKTAM - In the same way, the disappearance of sound [touch, taste, smell, etc.] is explained.
Swami Satchidananda - "Oh boy! Do you want to become invisible? When you want to see something, the form comes onto the retina, gets recorded, and then you see the image. Until that is done, you cannot see. So, if by samyama on my own body, I disconnect the light that would affect your retina, no image will be formed on your retina, and you won't see any form."
From "How to Know God - The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" translated and commented on by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood the comment for YS III - 22 is:
" In other words, it is possible for the yogi, while remaining present in the room, to obstruct the outward manifestation of his body in such a way that the senses of of other people will be able to detect it. The reality behind the outward manifestation will remain, but, since this reality cannot be detected by the gross sense-organs of others, the yogi will become unseen, unheard, unfelt and so on."
This makes me think about how as we move more and more into the vibration of awareness we become more and more invisible to those in other dimensions.
That's a great way of seeing this Anne! It's true in that as we become more aware of other dimensions of our Self, what used to hold our attention fades away or become "invisible".
Thanks for your insight!
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