Most people are not aware that when we look at them we actually can see their thoughts. It is reflected in the body, mind and spirit. The word reflection can be defined as the production of an image by or as if by a mirror; to show.
Are you attracted to people who seem to radiate energy and appear vibrate? Are you repelled or don't seem to notice people whose energy is low? Looking at their body language, even unconsciously on our part, we can see the reflection of their thoughts and habits.
The other day I had a person in my chair yoga class that looked dull. Her muscles were flaccid and her energy was low. At the end of the class she stated that she did not realize certain things about her body until completing the class. Frequently I have observed that people ignore their posture, their breath, their feet, whether they are focused or not, etc.
There are students who have the appearance of a frown all the time. Some of them don't notice it until it is pointed out to them. I had a young lady in my class recently who appeared angry. We talked after class and she did say she was under some stress. She also commented that other people have told her the same thing about looking angry. I told her to lighten up, smile more often and to practice the asanas. When I saw her the following week, she appeared lighter and was smiling more and frowning less.
This is why practicing yoga postures are valuable. It helps one to wake up to their body. They start to become more aware. Then the awareness, the practice starts to be reflected in the body. You can verbally say you are practicing, however if you are not it will be reflected in your body's appearance. The body does not lie.
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