For some people singing is their path, others teaching, writing a book, having a family. For me my path is yoga. To me yoga is fascinating. Most people might think of physical postures or contortion when they hear the word yoga. There are different limbs of yoga. Yoga is the trunk of the tree and it has many branches. Major branches of yoga include Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Hatha Yoga.[3][4][5] Raja Yoga, compiled in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
I find that the practice of yoga brings my attention to many topics like health, mental health , peace of mind, how to deal with stress, etc. People might be having symptoms that they believe are related to an illness when it might be a sign of an awakened kundalini. A definition of kun·da·lini as a noun is Hinduism a cosmic or divine energy in human beings located at the base of the spine and released upward by means of yogic techniques. Or another definition is the yogic life force that is held to lie coiled at the base of the spine until it is aroused and sent to the head to trigger enlightenment. According to Swami Muktananda in his book 'Where Are You Going?' he states "When the inner energy awakened and this spontaneous yoga begins, your entire body will be purified from within. Your awareness will be turned inside, and you will begin to see inner worlds."
I remember mentioning this topic in a class I was teaching one day. A student that I had not seen for a while came to me after the class. She told me she had stopped the yoga practice for a while because she had a couple of experiences that was a related to the kundalini awakening I had mentioned. She was relieved to find out what was happening to her.
So yoga for me has been a major path in my life that is leading me to a deeper awareness of my inner self, as well as outer self. It is definitely not boring and is full of revelations to waking up in this seemingly complicated world of illusions.
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