I'm sure you have either stated at sometime or other that you don't have any energy. Or that your energy is low. Then at the same time on the other end of the spectrum you might have said that you are full of energy, or that you are bursting with energy. As a human being we have to have the energy to function in our life. If we didn't have that energy we could not walk, eat, take care of our bodies, much less go to school or work. In other words we could not live.
If you look up the word energy as a noun it is defined as: 1. capacity of intense activity; vigour. 2. intensity or vitality of action or expression; forcefulness. These definitions will in suffice for now. Check out the short video clip (3:19)on Energy that is, is energy which says we are energy like everything else is.
So what does energy have to do with yoga? According to B.K.S. Iyengar in Yoga the Path to Holistic Health 'Yoga generates energy and does not dissipate it.' He also says that 'When practicing yoga...' ; 'after such stimulating exercise, a sense of rejuvenation and a fresh surge of energy follow.' Prana is a Sanskrit word for breath, the vital life force, energy. In the Traditional Chinese culture Qi (pronounced ' chee') is commonly translated as " energy flow".
Whether one refers to energy as prana or qi, we want to keep our energy up and free flowing. When our energy is low it can affect our immune system. Low energy is also found in disease scenarios and depression. It is up to us to practice the asanas (physical postures), in addition to using the many tools we have within us, to prevent and or remove the obstructions which impede the flow of energy. By using these tools we can keep our being in optimum condition and health . We can accomplish more in our lives and be happy too.
Remember, it is all about the energy!
Great post! I like the suggested video too. I have come to the same conclusions and even mentioned them in my book and blog. It really goes to show you how minimal the differences are among us. We are all made of the same stuff. Energy! And that energy is all connected. We are one.
Thanks C.Om Glad you liked it. We are one!
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